
Keep in mind that raw eggs can carry a risk of salmonella, so make sure to properly handle and store them, and consider cooking the egg if you are concerned about food safety.

The yolk is so beautiful



  1. Color Contrast: Katsu Curry typically consists of a brown curry sauce and freshly fried cutlet (Tonkatsu or Chicken Katsu). The contrast between this brown curry sauce and the vibrant yellow of the yolk enhances its visual appeal. The contrasting colors create a visually pleasing effect.
  2. Shape Contrast: Katsu in Katsu Curry is usually a flat cutlet, and the yolk sits on top of it. The contrast between the flat shape of the cutlet and the round shape of the yolk adds to its beauty.
  3. Vibrant Color: The yolk has a vivid yellow color, which adds liveliness to the dish and arouses appetite.
  4. Balance of Flavors: The curry sauce and the Katsu in Katsu Curry offer a balanced combination of flavors and textures, and the yolk complements these elements, enhancing the overall deliciousness of the meal.

Therefore, the beauty of the yolk on top of Katsu Curry arises from the harmonious combination of visual elements, taste factors, and textures. These elements come together to make it visually appealing and enjoyable for many.


  1. 色の対比: カツカレーは一般的に茶色のカレーソースと揚げたてのカツ(トンカツまたはチキンカツ)からなります。この茶色のカレーソースと、卵黄の鮮やかな黄色との色の対比が美しさを引き立てます。対照的な色彩が視覚的な魅力を高めます。
  2. 形状の対比: カツカレーのカツは通常、平らな形状を持つことが多く、その上に黄身がのっています。この平らな形状と、黄身の丸い形状との対比が美しさを生み出します。
  3. 色の鮮やかさ: 卵黄は鮮やかな黄色をしており、その鮮やかさが料理に生気を与え、食欲をそそります。
  4. 味のバランス: カツカレーのカレーソースとカツは、味と食感のバランスがとれており、黄身がこれらの要素を引き立て、食事全体の美味しさを高めています。


-cutlet curry